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Saturday March 29th:
Pet Supplies Plus-Oakville
5531 Oakville Shopping Center, from 10:00 to 2:00



Cat Adoption Application

The first step in adopting a pet from Camp Chaos Puppy Rescue is to complete this application. You can complete the application online or at one of our adoption events. Completing this form does not hold an animal. After reviewing this application we determine if the adoption is in the pet's best interest, and the process ensures that you will find a pet well suited to your lifestyle.

Please provide detailed information for all questions.

Our cat adoption fee of $120 includes:

The cost for vaccinations and other medical care up to the point of adoption. If you become an approved adopter, you become responsible for any further medical care the pet may need.

Vet exam (Fecal Test)

FIV Test

The spaying or neutering of the animal

Microchip and Registration

To qualify for adoption, you must:


Be at least 21 years old


Have a valid driver's license or state Identification Card stating your current address


Have the knowledge and consent of a landlord, if relevant


Be able and willing to spend the time and money necessary to provide proper medical treatment, nourishment and care for this pet the rest of its life


Please note: We reserve the right to refuse adoption to anyone. Please be advised that we will not adopt to persons who mislead or fail to provide accurate information on this application.

Contact Information













Cat Adoption Application






















Cat Adoption Contract - Please Read and Initial Next To Each











